The 31-Day Challenge is a virtual event that encourages you to get active during the 31 days of May and fundraise to help kids at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Register icon


Start a team, join a team or sign up as an Individual.

Goals icon


Choose your mileage challenge.

Fundraise icon


Ask your network to support you.

Get Active icon


Track your progress.

Challenge yourself today! Every dollar raised helps Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia meet the needs of today’s patient families, while working toward the pediatric healthcare aspirations and advances of tomorrow, worldwide.


Step 1: Register

Choose how you want to participate:

  • Individual
  • Team member (Join a Team)
  • Team captain (Start a Team)


Please note: a $20 registration fee applies for each role, which includes an event T-shirt.


Step 2: Set Your Goal

Determine how you’ll get active — walk, run or bike to meet your selected goal:

  • 31 miles
  • 62 miles
  • 100 miles
  • Custom goal

Step 3: Raise Funds

The health of our children is the foundation of a strong community. And every child deserves the right to a healthy start to life. Your fundraising efforts are critical to the breakthroughs that happen every day at CHOP.

Funds from the 31-Day Challenge will support the greatest need of the hospital. Teams or individual participants who raise $1,000 or more can choose any CHOP program to support. If you register as a team member, your funds will be automatically designated to the program of your team captain’s choice.

After registering, you will be automatically set up with a customizable fundraising page that you can share with your family, friends or companies who may be interested in supporting you.

Remember, you can continue fundraising until June 30!

Step 4: Get Going and Get Tracking!

On May 1, your challenge begins! Track your progress using the DonorDrive app or manually on your fundraising page. Your supporters (and potential supporters) can follow along, cheer you on, and stay informed about the miles you’ve achieved!

Download for Apple
Download for Android

Share your progress using the hashtag #31Days4CHOP.

Get Started Now

Register now to start helping kids at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. While the 31-Day Challenge doesn’t officially start until May 1, it’s never too early to warm up those fundraising muscles and get the word out!